Sunday, July 8, 2012

Breakfast at Tiffany's

I distinctly remember sitting on the edge of my mother's bed as a child and watching Breakfast at Tiffany's with her and my sister. I may have been small, but my mother has always loved watching old films, so I had always heard about the movie and my sister and I had even been gifted a beautiful Holly Golightly Barbie doll to play with. Anyway, of course at age nine or so I wouldn't understand or appreciate any of the subject matter in the film, except maybe the fact that Holly Golightly was lovely and wore amazing clothes. So recently, as an almost-nineteen-year old, I decided I would give the classic another go considering 1) it's a classic, 2) I love old films and fashions, 3) Audrey Hepburn is a gem, and 4) I couldn't remember anything worth a damn about the movie (let's face it, my film pop culture references in general are not the best. I'm slowly working to improve this.).

Many might consider this movie overrated simply because everyone always thinks that any given celebrity's most known work is overrated, but I fell in love with this one! It took me a little while to get into it, simply because it begins rather abruptly, but I soon found myself falling deeper and deeper into the gloriously-filmed plot of this timeless movie.

George Peppard plays Holly's love interest, Paul Varjak, or as Holly calls him "Fred, darling." He's handsome and complicated and is the perfect compliment to Holly, played by the gorgeous Audrey Hepburn. Her portrayal of this stunning and charming, yet troubled, gullible, and totally reckless Holly Golightly character is absolutely brilliant. I also grew particularly fond of the funny-looking, extremely irritable, obnoxious Asian landlord upstairs, who is constantly awoken by Holly's loud parties and careless escapades. I couldn't stand him at first, but I soon found myself giggling every time he'd appear on the balcony in a fit of rage.

This film is like a fine wine - it simply grows more and more wonderful with every watch. I would definitely recommend it to anyone, particularly anyone interested in beginning to watch Audrey Hepburn films, or older films in general. This little gem has definitely earned itself a spot on my top favorite films list!

Here is a collection of some (and by some, I mean a lot) of my favorite screenshots that I took while watching the film (if you're really against any spoilers, I hope my photos don't give anything away that you wouldn't want them to - sorry if they do!). Not only does this film contain a rich plot, but it is also quite the eyeful! From bright pink satin, to fluffy brown hats, bright-colored coats, cat-shaped sunnies, funny face-masks, fancy apartments and views of the great Big Apple, this film takes the cake for prettiest cinematography and costumes in my book (although I'm also a huge fan of anything Sofia Coppola or Wes Anderson).

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